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The construction of energy efficient housing is a strategically important scientific, technical, economic, social and political trend. The goal of the work is to show the influence of temperature on the thermo-humidity conditions of various wall materials. To achieve this goal, a testing complex was developed at Polotsk State University. The testing complex consists of a laboratory installation with the ability to change samples of wall materials, temperature and humidity sensors, an information input-output interface, software. The experiment showed comparable heat retention results for mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, wood-concrete and foil sample. The results obtained indicate that the proposed technology can be used both in existing buildings and in buildings under construction.

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How to Cite
YAGUBKIN, A., SHABANOV, D., & JINBIN, Y. (2021). INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE ON THE THERMO-HUMIDITY CONDITIONS OF WALL MATERIALS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (16), 142-145. Retrieved from
Author Biography

D. SHABANOV, Polotsk State University

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