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Simulation of the work of a single bored pile using of Plaxis 3D programs allows to evaluate the possibility of including in the work of the pile the area of “сonstraint” that is forming in the near the pile space, taking into account the phenomenon of dilatancy. Such a “сonstraint” of the working conditions of the pile in the incoherent processing ground through the immersed shell. The parameters of such an envelope correlate with the length and diameter of the pile. The shell is immersed in a third, two thirds and the entire length of the pile. The performed calculations indicate the maximum increase in the bearing capacity of the pile for the case of immersion of the shell over the entire length of the pile. This is clearly reflected in the graphs of the dependence of the draft of the pile on the load. The submerged shell promotes greater mobility of contact friction along the lateral surface of the pile, which is the result of the conditions of “constraint” of the disconnected soil in the space between the shell and the pile.
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T. ULASIK, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk
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