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This article explores the practical use of the Leonov-Panasyuk model for calculating the stress intensity factor for nanofibre-reinforced concrete using the value of tensile strength in bending of a sample beam of 100×100×400 mm. The study was carried out on different nanoconcrete matrices with three types of fiber fibers. Comparison of the obtained values showed a high degree of convergence with the values of the stress intensity factor obtained from the strength for normal separation in cubes with a notch, from the energy consumption during bending of a beam with a notch. The results confirm that the critical stress intensity factor can be attributed to stable indicators of the crack resistance of nanofiber-reinforced concrete.

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How to Cite
SADOVSKAYA, E., & LEONOVICH, S. (2022). RELATIONSHIP OF THE STRESS-INTENSITY COEFFICIENT AT NORMAL SEPARATION AND THE STRENGTH IN TENSION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (8), 27-31.
Author Biography

S. LEONOVICH, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk; Qingdao University, China

д-р техн. наук, проф.


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