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The article presents a historical overview of the ground penetrating research (GPR) development. Although the theoretical foundations of the GPR method was formulated many years ago, it has been possible to practically implement this method only in recent years. Nowadays there are difficulties with GPR data analysis because the change in dielectric permittivity depends on a lot of factors. The aim of this study was to develop an effective GPR data processing sequence and interpretation of GPR profiles obtained on the basis of geophysical surveys in urbanized areas. The survey was conducted on the right bank of the Dnieper River in Mogilev (the Republic of Belarus), where previously residential quarters were located (according to architectural data). The developed GPR data processing sequence is based on a combination of the following methods: amplification of individual signals, the method of subtracting the average, a bandpass filter. The proposed data processing sequence is based on dielectric permeability. Information about the shape and depth of the objects buried in the cultural layer was obtained by using the proposed sequence.
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Y. MASKALKOVA, Belarusian-Russian University, Mogilev
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