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The article presents the results of calculations of the relative exergy efficiency of the main psychrometric processes in central air conditioning systems. The calculations were carried out according to the original method, which is based on the modern theory of exergy analysis, taking into account the components of the exergy of moist air and energy carriers. The method takes into account the individual components of the exergy of air - thermal, chemical concentration (moisture) and mechanical, which makes it possible to take into account and analyze their thermodynamic potentials separately and determine the indicators of the relative efficiency of the processes of heating, cooling, humidification and air drying. This distinctive feature from the traditional methodology is the correct tool for comparative assessment of the energy efficiency of each individual process. The depth of the exergy analysis of the method presented in the work consists in taking into account all the components of moist air exergy. The thermodynamic potentials of the components in air handling processes are comparable to each other, which allows them to be correctly compared when analyzing energy efficiency. The paper shows the possibility of determining the exergetic efficiency separately by the components of the processes in combined air treatment, taking into account the weight of each individual process. The results of the above calculations show the level of energy efficiency of the main psychrometric processes and make it possible to correctly compare each of them. The scientific and methodological provisions of in-depth exergy analysis of air handling processes in central air conditioners presented in the work can serve as a basic method for assessing, optimizing and adjusting circuit solutions according to the criterion of exergy efficiency of air conditioning systems at all stages of their life cycle and also in the development of new systems and functional elements.

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How to Cite
ZADOYANNY, A., & YEVDOKIMENKO, Y. (2021). IN-DEPTH EXERGETIC ANALYSIS OF THE MAIN PSYCHROMETRIC PROCESSES IN AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (16), 71-75. Retrieved from
Author Biography

A. ZADOYANNY, Киевский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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