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The article describes numerical modeling of geometric parameters of gratings, angular and temporal characteristics of light transmission and transmission of solar energy, optimization of natural lighting, insolation and sun protection, as well as heat inflow from solar radiation to assess the impact on the functioning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVC).The angular characteristics of the filter are presented, a formula for determining the shift between the traces of the input on the plane of the output lattice at the characteristic angle of the filter and an arbitrary angle of incidence. In tabular, calculation formulas and light transmission characteristics are indicated for certain range boundaries, depending on the ratio of band widths.
The advantages of a smart window with a filter are also justified due to the possibility of any angle of inclination of the grilles compared to blinds, which cannot provide optimal sun protection at any azimuth of the window, and the figure shows a diagram of smart windows with different azimuths for a building with a round facade.
The expediency of using smart windows with grid filters in buildings with curved facades to increase the comfort of natural lighting and insolation, protection from direct sunlight is substantiated.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
I. ODENBAKH, Orenburg State University
канд. пед. наук
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