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In the article the method of producing composite materials using pultrusion technology to produce composites based on thermoplastic polymers that provide a granular molded materials and unidirectional prepregs as well as in the dual-impregnated (one-step) process profile, winding and other products is analyzed. The most important means of controlling the properties of polymer materials through targeted changes in the amount and quality of continuous fiber reinforcement in a polymer binder are showed. It is concluded that the maximum achievable packing density of the filler in any polymeric binder depends primarily on the dimensions and shapes of the filler. A mathematical model of the continuous fibrous fillers in polymer binders. A process of manufacturing a unidirectional fiber composite model by 3D-press, allowing to create high-quality composite materials.

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How to Cite
SHABANOV, D., & TEREKHOV, S. (2015). MODELING THE STRUCTURE OF A CONTINUOUS FIBER FILLER IN THE POLYMER BINDER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (16), 70-76. Retrieved from
Author Biography

D. SHABANOV, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук


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