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Steel-reinforced concrete structures at the present stage of development of the construction industry are widely used in industrial buildings with heavy loads on floors, civil high-rise buildings and various engineering structures. The article presents the results of using a nonlinear calculation method to calculate the parameters of the stress-strain state (normal stresses and relative deformations at any stage of work under load, strength and deformability) of bent steel-reinforced concrete elements, provided that rigid steel profiles and reinforced concrete work together.

When calculating the parameters of the stress-strain state of steel-reinforced concrete elements, the stages of their work during manufacture (forced shrinkage deformations of monolithic concrete during its hardening) and operation (creep of concrete under prolonged load action) are taken into account. A criterion for calculating the bending moment corresponding to the strength of a steel-reinforced concrete element is proposed, which does not require normalization of the ultimate compressibility of concrete, allowing for a high degree of redistribution of forces in the cross section of a steel-reinforced concrete element with rigid reinforcement. The advantages of the nonlinear calculation method are demonstrated by examples of steel-reinforced concrete floor beams from TKP 45-5.03-16-2005 "Structures of steel-reinforced concrete coatings and floors. Design rules".

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How to Cite
LAZOUSKI, D., GLUKHOV, D., KHATKEVICH, A., HIL, A., & CHAPARANGANDA, E. (2024). NONLINEAR CALCULATION OF BENT STEEL-REINFORCED CONCRETE ELEMENTS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (2), 9-23.
Author Biographies

D. LAZOUSKI, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

д-р техн. наук, проф.

D. GLUKHOV, LLC «SoftClub», Minsk

канд. техн. наук, доц.

A. KHATKEVICH, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук

A. HIL, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук

E. CHAPARANGANDA, Botswana International University of Science and Technology

канд. техн. наук


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