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The article is devoted to the study of common archetypes in sacred buildings of Christian churches and mosques. Archetypes are seen as universal images that permeate the collective unconscious of humanity and are expressed through mythology, symbolism and architecture. The work analyzes how archetypes influence architectural decisions of sacred buildings, including layout, composition and artistic and stylistic design. The authors consider how common archetypes are reflected in architectural features such as the presence of domes, minarets and bell towers, as well as in the organization of internal space and the location of the altar. The study shows that despite differences in religious concepts, Christianity and Islam have striking similarities in architectural forms, ornaments and symbols. This testifies to the unity of human experience and the desire for spiritual harmony. The article emphasizes the importance of studying and preserving the heritage of different religions and cultures, as well as the need for dialogue and mutual respect between different religious communities. Contributing to the understanding of the architectural heritage of different religions and cultures highlights the importance of studying and preserving the common cultural heritage.

Article Details

How to Cite
KOLOSOVSKAYA, A., & OZHESHKOVSKAYA, I. (2024). ARCHETYPES IN SACRED BUILDINGS: CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND MOSQUES. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (2), 36-41.
Author Biographies

A. KOLOSOVSKAYA, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

канд. архитектуры, доц.

I. OZHESHKOVSKAYA, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk

канд. архитектуры


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