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The article presents for the first time in the Republic of Belarus the results of studies of chemical additives affecting the physical and mechanical properties of wheat straw blocks. The subject of the study is the physical and mechanical properties of the cement component and wall blocks made of wheat straw. Based on the experiment and the analysis of its results, compositions for the manufacture of structural and heat-insulating blocks made of wheat straw were proposed and patented. Structural and heat-insulating blocks on these compositions are recommended for use in laying walls of one- and two-story buildings. The results of the study can be used to select compositions in the production of building materials and products from plant materials, in the educational process of construction specialties of universities.

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How to Cite
YAGUBKIN А., & BAKATOVICH А. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL ADDITIVES ON THE PROPERTIES OF WALL BLOCKS MADE OF WHEAT STRAW. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (4), 63-73.
Author Biography

А. BAKATOVICH, Euphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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