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One of the new directions in the use of gynophore hairs of cattail fly is its use as a sorbent for oil and petroleum products when carrying out work to eliminate emergency oil spills on the water surface. The goal is to determine the conditions for drying cattail down, allowing to achieve the moisture content of the oil sorbent providing its long-term storage and resistance to microorganisms, without reducing the buoyancy and sorption capacity, including those associated with the destructive activity of microorganisms. For the first time, such indicators of cattail fluff are the initial moisture content (over 58%) and equilibrium moisture content (0.11 kgwater / kg dry.m.) at an air temperature of 19,5 °C and a relative humidity of 49 %. Curves of drying and curves of speed of drying of cattail cobs at the temperature of the drying agent of 60 °C were constructed. On the basis of the obtained dependences, it was shown that it is necessary to spend 60 minutes on warming up the fuzz of cattail cobs, while the drying rate reaches 6,5·10-5 s-1. It has been established that it takes about 8 hours to completely dry the cobs fuzz to equilibrium moisture content, which indicates that convective drying of the cobs fuzz is practically economically inexpedient.
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