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The paper presents studies of the mechanics of concrete destruction, in which the deformation processes occur self-consistently at different scale levels. It is shown that the energy of internal connections between structural elements in a solid is the basis of its strength and integrity. The results of experimental studies of the stress-strain state of concrete samples by acoustic emission (AE) are presented and the relationship between the AE signals and the energy characteristics of the material is established. These patterns can serve as a basis for creating a criterion for the process of concrete destruction and assessing the degree of damage risk at various facilities.

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How to Cite
BOROVKOVA, E., & SHABANOV, D. (2021). PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN CONCRETE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (8), 39-42. Retrieved from
Construction and architecture
Author Biography

D. SHABANOV, Полоцкий государственный университет

канд. техн. наук


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