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The article presents the results of studies proving the effectiveness of thermal insulation boards containing flax noils as a structure-forming material. The results of investigations of thermos-physical characteristics of heat-insulating materials of fibrous structure in a climatic chamber are presented. On the basis of the experimental data, graphs of the temperature distribution over the thickness of the insulation were built, after which the indicators of the heat flux density, thermal resistance to heat transfer and the coefficient of thermal conductivity were determined. Curves of moisture distribution over the thickness of heat-insulating plates are plotted. According to the results of the tests, it was found that the moisture content of the material based on linen noils is 14,6%; at an air temperature of –25 °С in the cold compartment of the climatic chamber, the thermal conductivity coefficient is 0,47 W/(m2∙°С). The results of the studies carried out indicate the highest efficiency of heat-insulating materials made from flax noils in comparison with heatinsulating materials based on linen and mineral fibers.

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How to Cite
ROMANOVSKIY, S., & BAKATOVICH, A. (2021). STUDY OF THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FIBROUS INSULATOR IN A CLIMATE CHAMBER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, (8), 121-127. Retrieved from
Construction and architecture
Author Biography

A. BAKATOVICH, Полоцкий государственный университет

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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