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The article provides an analysis of the interaction of electromagnetic waves in the regime of two-frequency signals with the medium above hydrocarbon deposits. The behavior of the components of the surface impedance of the dielectric constant of an anisotropic medium over the reservoir in the regime of two-frequency signals based on the quasi-hydrodynamic approach is investigated. The analysis of the constituent components of the surface impedance of the medium over hydrocarbons for electromagnetic waves with right and left circular polarizations, depending on the dielectric constant and the concentration of particles of the medium. It was shown that the re-search results can be used to identify the medium above the deposits by the nature and magnitude of the phase components of the surface impedance of the anisotropic layer.

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How to Cite
YANUSHKEVICH, V., & RUSETSKI, I. (2019). CHARACTERISTICS OF THE EARTH SURFACE OVER HYDROCARBONS IN THE POWERFUL LOW FREQUENCY SIGNAL MODE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (12), 21-25. Retrieved from
Author Biography

V. YANUSHKEVICH, Polotsk State University

канд. техн. наук, доц.


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