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In the rapidly evolving landscape of e-commerce, the visual representation of products plays a pivotal role in engaging consumers and driving conversion rates. This article introduces a new approach for image augmentation that includes objects segmentation, dominant color determination, background replacement and realistic shadow generation. These steps collectively contribute to the creation of augmented images that are used not only in the electronic catalogues but enrich abilities of the neural networks with various and fortified training data. Developed system allows to solve problems related to class imbalance and to enhance model generalization as well as to improve the quality of recognition.

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How to Cite
SOROKINA, V., & ABLAMEYKO, S. (2023). DATA AUGMENTATION METHOD TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF E-COMMERCE IMAGE RECOGNITION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (2), 29-34.
Информатика, вычислительная техника и управление
Author Biography

S. ABLAMEYKO, Belarusian State University, Minsk; United Institute of Informatics Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk

акад. НАН Беларуси, д-р техн. наук, проф.


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