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Analyzed opto-electronic channel leakage of voice information. The choice of the measurement signal on the basis of the considered advantages quadrature harmonic signal. A method for measuring signal, including an assessment of the cumulative effect of amplitude and phase modulation. Different types of signal processing techniques, the method chosen, the factors affecting the methodological (theoretical) uncertainty (accuracy) evaluating intelligibility. Acoustic vibrations of the solid medium, subject to amplitude and phase modulation, presents a model of a rectangular vibrating membrane. The method of estimating the signal / noise ratio by using the mathematical model developed security assessment. Built density distribution phase at various energy indicators showing the degree of dependence of the phase fluctuations resulting from the phase of the signal.

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How to Cite
ZHELEZNYAK, V., & CHERNOVA, I. (2015). MODEL EVALUATION OPTOELECTRONIC CHANNEL LEAKED SPEECH. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part C. Fundamental Sciences, (12), 33-39. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

V. ZHELEZNYAK, Polotsk State University

д-р техн. наук, проф.


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