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The article discusses the historical time image created by U. Karatkievich in the novel "Christ landed in Hrodna" in the context of the contemporary historiographic ideas about the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In the first part of the work the images of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance in the novel are analyzed in detail, the relevant information from the author’s biography is provided. The historical and cultural works in which the Middle Ages and the Renaissance are described in the same way as in the novel are mentioned (studies by U. Eco, A. Gurevich and D. Likhachev). The second part of the article is devoted to the contemporary transformation of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance representations (in science and public consciousness), on which such researchers as G. Kosikov and T. Koshemchuk point out. In addition, attention is drawn to the discrepancy between these representations and historical time described in the novel. The author of the article points out to the connection between the images created by the writer and the 60s of the XXth century historiography and socio-political thought.

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How to Cite
LAPPO, M. (2020). IMAGES OF MIDDLE AGES AND RENAISSANCE IN THE NOVEL “CHRIST LANDED IN HRODNA” BY U. KARATKIEVICH. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 19-23. Retrieved from


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