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The article is devoted to the analysis of intertextual elements in the poetry of E. Akulin. The novelty of the work is that the author of the article for the first time analyzes the dialogical nature of the poetic word of Eduard Akulin, who consciously introduces intertextual elements into the text of his works. The introduction justifies the choice of topics, describes the state of the theory on the issue under study. The main directions in the study of intertext and intertextuality in the poetic work of E. Akulin are determined. In the main part, the author analyzes intertextual elements in the work of the Belarusian poet. Among them are allusions, reminiscences, quotes, com-positional connections of texts. The author of the article turns to the study of the copyright nature of the category of intertextuality. In conclusion, the author concludes that the intertextual elements in the poetry of E. Akulin are diverse and present at different levels of a work of art, ranging from compositional (architextuality), through paratextual relations (the relationship of the text to its specific part), to directly intertextuality.

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How to Cite
ALIASHKEVICH, T. (2020). INTERTEXTUAL ELEMENTS IN THE WORKS OF E. AKULIN. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 30-34. Retrieved from
Author Biography

T. ALIASHKEVICH, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

канд. філал. навук


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