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The article explores the means of expression and the effective manifestation of the individual as a social unit that create the strategic arsenal of the pathos category. Particular attention is given to the pragmatically marked figures of speech, speech acts and phraseology that are part of the strategic arsenal of the pathos category. Dialogues and isolation figures are delineated and analyzed. The first include appeals, slogans, appeals, curses. Definition figures include identity definitions, myosis, pathetically labeled aphoristics and phraseology. Examples of speech figures are given in order to demonstrate their pragmatic significance of his speech and to argue that the pathos of speech is tightly connected to the social status and the identity identification of the speaker.

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How to Cite
IGNATYUK, T. (2020). PAPHOS STRATEGIC ARSENAL: FIGURES AND ACTS OF SPEECH. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 137-143. Retrieved from


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