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The article reveals the theoretical potential of drama in the system of socio-cultural knowledge of the XXI century. Objectives: a) to qualify the concept of drama as a cultural phenomenon; b) to show the essence of drama as a metaphor using the example of the philosophy of existentialism; c) to explicate the theoretical aspects of the concept of drama; d) to make a theoretical reconstruction of the drama model as an algorithm for the development of a conflict; e) to formulate a dramatic approach to the study of the laws of the development of society. The author of the article comes to the following conclusions: the concept of drama reflects the generic and genre characteristics of drama as a cultural phenomenon; existentialism contributed to the implementation of the metaphor of drama in philosophical discourse to demonstrate human behavior in conflict situations; theoretical aspects of the concept of drama - philosophical, linguistic and dramatic – determine the conceptual content of the concept of drama; drama as a concept reflects the main stages of the development of the conflict, explicated in the classical theory of drama; the dramatic approach is a set of techniques for the theoretical reconstruction of a model of drama and dramatic modeling of conflict in the study and explanation of society, united by the principle of dramatizing social reality.

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How to Cite
POZNJAKOVA, O. (2022). CONCEPTUALIZATION OF THE NOTION OF DRAMA IN SOCIOCULTURAL KNOWLEDGE OF THE XXI CENTURY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 27-32. Retrieved from
Author Biography

O. POZNJAKOVA, Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk

канд. филос. наук, доц.


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