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This article focuses on the linguistic features proving the metanarrative character of English-language fiction blurbs. The aim of the research is to identify and classify the linguistic markers reflecting the metanarrative nature of the Englishlanguage blurb. Based on modern narratological theory and methods of continuous sampling, structural-semantic and conceptual analysis and the elements of the cognitive metadiscourse reconstruction, the study revealed both lexical and syntactical metanarrative discourse markers that are regularly incorporated into evaluative (often metaphorical) constructions, referring not so much to the narrative content as to the process of narration. It was established that the metanarrative nature of blurbs is manifested via the representatives of the narrative explanation framework (the verbal expressions of the chronotope, the rules and features of the genre, biographemes related to creating the book or the author’s professional development) and the markers of direct dialogue between the blurb author and the target reader.

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How to Cite
ЛЕОН, О. В. (2022). METANARRATIVE DISCOURSE MARKERS IN BLURBS ON CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH-LANGUAGE FICTION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 65-69. Retrieved from
Author Biography

О. В. ЛЕОН, Baranavichy State University

канд. филол. наук


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