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The productive methods for the formation of correlative aspectual pairs of verbal phraseological units are analyzed in the article, as well as regular and low-frequent affixes and their word-building capabilities are defined. It is established that the formation of the imperfective form of verbal phraseological units from perfect verbal phraseological units prevails over the reverse process. The analysis of the suffix method for the forming of correlative aspectual pairs of verbal phraseological units shows that the suffixation is often accompanied by the positional alternation of vowels or historical alternation of consonants in the base of the verbal component. It was found that the suppletive way of forming aspectual pairs is widespread among verbal phraseological units. The author describes the traditional suppletive bases of the verbal components of phraseological units, as well as the bases in which historical alternations have greatly changed the phonetic composition of a root. The results of the article can be applied in the modern Belarusian language lectures and practical classes, as well as in lexicographic and phraseographic practice.

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How to Cite
MARSHEUSKAYA, V. (2022). PRODUCTIVE METHODS FOR THE FORMATION OF ASPECTUAL PAIRS OF VERBAL PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 70-73. Retrieved from
Author Biography

V. MARSHEUSKAYA, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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