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Intensifying repetition of words has a clear cut illocution which is highlighting or reinforcing the semantic potential of the repeated word. It is realized in the form of some intonation unity. There are a number of varieties of word repetitions, each of which can come up in the speaking of representatives of any Gender, bringing about, however, some modifications in the general semantics of an utterance. The data obtained proves that intensifying repetitions help to bring out Gender identity of the utterance, the most important characteristics of the repetitions being their general frequency, especially in speaking of women in the role of a mother, multiple (two or more in an utterance) repetitions of a word within one cluster, diminutive or superlative form of a repeated word in an intensifying cluster, lengthening of vowels or reduplication of consonants in the repeated words.

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How to Cite
POUTROVA, M. (2022). INTENSIFYING WORD REPETITION AS A MEANS OF GENDER MANIFESTATION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 74-79. Retrieved from
Author Biography

M. POUTROVA, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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