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The article is devoted to the study of the communicative and pragmatic organization of intolerant discourse. The author is of the opinion that in addition to the discrediting strategy aimed at creating a negative image of they-group, in the given discursive conditions, it is important for the speaker to create a positive image of themselves and their social group, which is achieved through the implementation of a self-presentation strategy. The communicative strategy of we-group positive self-presentation is considered in the article based on the Belarusian Internet users’ comments to news articles about women, LGBT people and foreigners. It is established that tactics aimed at actualizing this strategy include those of quasi-concession, quasi-denial, quasi-apology, shifting, as well as such assertive tactics as exemplification and basking. All of these tactics, presented in the article in the form of models, are aimed at disguising the speaker’s hostile attitude towards they-group.

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How to Cite
VASILENKO, E. (2022). THE STRATEGY OF WE-GROUP POSITIVE SELF-PRESENTATION IN INTOLERANT DISCOURSE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 96-98. Retrieved from
Philological sciences
Author Biography

E. VASILENKO, Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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