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The article considers the artistic and narrative characteristics of the novel “Operation Shylock: A Confession” by American writer Philip Roth. Among them are self-reflection, autobiographical nature, intertextuality, historiographic element and non-linear structure of the plot. The combination of these characteristics allows us to classify the work as metafiction which is characterized by the image of not only the world of heroes, but also the process of creating this world. Using this duality, Philip Roth reflects on how fragile the boundary between real and fictional events is, emphasizes the fallacy of stating the equality between the writer and the characters he creates, and also explores the issue of identity search.

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How to Cite
NANAS, A. (2022). “OPERATION SHYLOCK: A CONFESSION” BY PHILIP ROTH AS METAFICTION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 111-117. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/1532
Philological sciences


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