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The purpose of this article is to characterize the axiological component of H. Mantel’s novel "Wolf Hall". First, a comparative analysis of the novel "Wolf Hall" and W. Scott’s "Ivanhoe" is carried out and the advantage of the con-temporary novel in the ability to immerse the reader in the historical past as well as the intellectualization of the genre of the historical novel are affirmed. The article concludes about the coexistence of three value systems in the object of the study: medieval values, Renaissance values and anachronistic values of modernity. The center of the value system of the Middle Ages is the love of God, which is realized through the institutions of the Catholic Church, feudalism and monarchy and is reflected in the Catholic interpretation of the Bible. The Renaissance system of values is transmitted with the help of a new interpretation of the Bible by W. Tyndale, humanity and rationality of the protagonist of the novel. The modern value system manifests itself through the manner of narration and is connected with the moment of writing the novel: the characters are described with deep psychologism, “gender asymmetry” and the irrelevance of the dichotomy of good and evil are noted.

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How to Cite
ZINOVIEVA, K. (2023). VALUE SYSTEMS IN THE NOVEL "WOLF HALL" BY H. MANTEL. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (1), 114-119.
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