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The article dwells on the problem of man and society as presented in the novels about World War II by Herman Wouk. The author of the article does the literary research of the problem of responsibility in the novel «The Caine Mutiny». On the material of «The Winds of War» and «War and Remembrance» author analyzes Wouk’s aesthetic comprehension of Nazism birth and rise in Germany, of personality repression in totalitarian societies, of the process of full deformation of personality in concentration camps. The author of the article emphasizes that war in the books «The Winds of War» and «War and Remembrance» is shown as a morality test.

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How to Cite
HEMBITSKAYA, V. (2017). MAN AND SOCIETY AS PRESENTED IN THE NOVELS ABOUT WORLD WAR II BY HERMAN WOUK. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 80-89. Retrieved from


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