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The article is dealt with the specific way of the woman image representation in the minor poems by outstanding classic English poet John Milton. The attention is paid to the poems (the diptych ‘L’Allegro’ and ‘Il Penseroso’), the masque ‘A Mask Presented at Ludlow Castle’ and sonnets, written in English and included in Poems 1645 and 1673. The woman role in the society and the arts in the seventeenth-century England is traditionally analyzed from different points of view: starting with the Puritan strict morals to frivolous songs and poems dedicated to mistresses. John Milton, a poet of pure and sacred love, depicts a religious and devotional, caring and inspiring woman, possessing the same virtues as a man. The author has analyzed the main ways of a woman portrayal in the mentioned above poems and has pointed the influence of Greek and Christian mythologies on them.

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How to Cite
MOZGO, A. (2016). THE IMAGE OF A WOMAN IN THE MINOR POEMS BY J. MILTON. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 26-30. Retrieved from


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