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The article deals with the Ladlit genre, which is a reaction against the feminist and postmodernist transformation of masculinity. The two contradictory attitudes towards the genre are analyzed in the article: on the one hand, Ladlit is oriented against the over-feminization of culture, which has corrupted the natural gender differences, and proclaims a return to basic masculine values succeeding the feminist practices of creating a lifeless and passive image of a “new” man; on the other hand, the genre is a regression to old-fashioned sexism and misogyny presented under the guise of irony and satire. The article touches on the lasting dispute of literary critics as to whether M. Amis, a typical representative of the genre, is a hardened misogynist, or whether he, ironically and satirically parodies, decodes and deconstructs outdated banal sexism with the purpose of depicting the terminal stage of the moral degradation of society because his emotionless protagonists are represented as anti-heroes, degraded misanthropes, misogynists, degenerates, alcoholics, and drug addicts.

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How to Cite
MARDANAU А. (2016). THE LADLIT GENRE AND M. AMIS’S WORKS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 118-123. Retrieved from


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