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The stages of the heretical Waldensian movement appearance and its spread across the territory of present- day Poland before the Hussites penetration are considered by the author. The first mentions of heretics in papal antiheretic bulls, medieval chroniclers and inquisitorial materials are analyzed. A brief description of the social structure (artisans, peasants and merchants) of the Waldensian movement and the ethnicity of its members (mostly immigrants from the German-speaking territories with their families) is given. The doctrinal peculiarities of Polish Waldenses, such as rejection of the oath, authorities' violence, indulgences, excommunications and prayers for the dead and church burials, Purgatory, worship relics etc. are described in detail (via quotes from Latin sources, translated for the first time in the Belarusian language by the author).

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How to Cite
VALODZINA, A. (2016). THE FEATURES OF APPEARANCE, SPREAD AND DOCTRINE OF THE WALDENSES IN THE TERRITORY OF PRESENT-DAY POLAND. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 76-82. Retrieved from


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