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The article gives a detailed analysis of the miscellaneous collection of pseudo-medieval poetry "Rowley Poems" by Thomas Chatterton. The article deals with the artistic, stylistic and thematic characteristics of the "poems" as well as their role in implementing the new ideas and principles of art in the second part of the 18th century. Special attention is paid to the author`s presumable motives of turning to forgery and the background of its origin. Emphasis is made on the stylistic organization of the literary collection, its genre peculiarities and the variety of artistic devices used by the author to express his idea to revive the merit of the English national culture. On the bases of the analyzed material conclusions about high ideological and artistic value of the works are draw. By his unusual literary invention Thomas Chatterton not only proved to be an original artist but also introduces the keynotes for the new tendency in arts, based on the revival of traditional culture, folklore, freedom of poetic forms and imagination.

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How to Cite
ANISIMOVA, M. (2016). THE IDEAS AND ARTISTIC VALUE OF PSEUDO-MEDIEVAL LITERARY HOAX "ROWLEY POEMS" BY THOMAS CHATTERTON. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 42-48. Retrieved from


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