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The methodology of definition of basic colour terms in Western and Eastern tradition on the example of Russian, English and Chinese languages. The scientists of Antiquity and the Renaissance began to study the question of definition of basic colour terms. The first scientifically based theory originated in the New Era – the theory of spectral analysis of I. Newton. J.W. von Goethe created “The color theory”, he studied the effect of colours on the human psyche and proposed a classification of colours. W. Turner studied the basic colour terms from the perspective of anthropology. The list proposed by the American linguist M. Swadesh can also become a criterion of basic color terms. B. Berlin and P. Kay's theory of universality and evolution of basic colour terms is of particular interest. In Eastern tradition basic colour terms definition originates with “five-colour scale” 五色, which was typical for connection of basic colour with the four cardinal directions.

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How to Cite
CHEKULAYEVA, A. (2016). BASIC COLOUR TERMS IN WESTERN AND EASTERN TRADITION: THEORETICAL BASIS OF THEIR DEFINITION. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 112-116. Retrieved from


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