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The article presents the results of a study on regularities of functioning of destruction verbs in the Russian language of the XI–XVII centuries. Verbs with the semantic component of ‘death’ take a central place in this group. The peculiarities of their origin, use and word-formative activity have been revealed and considered. The conclusion is that a significant number of verbs were first fixed in the dictionary in the XI century. It has been shown that the lexical units of this lexical-semantic group in the considered period of time are characterized by a large number of prefixed derivatives, where the analyzed meaning of destruction is caused by the semantics of the prefix. It has been revealed that the distinctive features of this lexical-semantic group are stylistic differentiation of some verbs, synonymy of some verbs, functioning of certain verbs in the analyzed meaning only as the components of set expressions.

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KHOMUSKOVA, N. (2016). ONE LEXICAL-SEMANTIC SUBGROUP IN THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 135-139. Retrieved from


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