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The article is devoted to the analysis of the role of Kriemhild in “The Nibelungenlied”. The plot of the epos is considered via prism of a female image. In this article to explore the evolution of the image of Kriemhild in close relationship with the development of the narration of the epos is attempted. The calm tone of the narration, characteristic of the first part of “The Nibelungenlied”, turns into the dramatic, dynamic tone of the second part of the epos. So, Kriemhild, the loving, mild bride, and the faithful wife presented in the first part becomes a grieving widow and a cruel avenger in the second part of the epos. The determinants of Kriemhild’s behaviour, and her place in the world of the Nibelungs are analyzed. The tragic outcome of “The Nibelungenlied” epos is justified. The death of the Nibelungs causes imminent reprisal against Kriemhild.

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LUSHNEVSKAYA, E. (2015). IMAGE KRIEMHILD IN THE SYSTEM OF HEROIC IMAGES IN “THE NIBELUNGENLIED”. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 15-19. Retrieved from


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