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This article is about the topic of traveling that is a constant theme with its motives and choices in the writings of French mystic poet Oscar Wenceslas de Lubicz Milosz. This article offers a reading and interpretation of poems of Milosz with attempts to answer some questions such as: How could we determine the figure of traveler, what could be the point of departure, arrival and purpose of traveling undertaken by the lyrical hero? What are the spaces that he crosses, what does fill them, how long does the traveling last, who or what awaits the traveler at the end of the traveling? It is interesting to understand the phenomenon of poetic traveling as an imitation of a real displacement in time and space. Besides, in this article we will try to find out the analogues of these fictitious journeys in real life of the poet who was in his turn an indefatigable traveler.

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How to Cite
SEMCHANKA, A. (2015). TOPIC OF TRAVELING IN WRITING WORKS OF OSCAR WENCESLAS DE LUBICZ MILOSZ. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 42-46. Retrieved from


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