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This paper presents a historiographical sources expert and research base of French policy on the German question in 1945–1949. Germany occupied an important place in the foreign policy of France in 1945–1949., and takes it today. This is largely due to both historical reasons, including issues related to postwar Europe and the role of the West and East Germany, and now the unified Germany in the international arena. The article provides a list of Russian and French archives containing unpublished documents on this issue, as well as published sources have indicated that roughly divided into four groups: the official state documents, collections of documents on international relations and foreign policy; statistical collections and reference materials; memoir literature; Soviet and foreign press. The paper gives a brief and coherent analysis of the Soviet, Russian and foreign historiography of the second half of the twentieth century of French policy on the German question in 1945–1949.

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VELICHKO, N. (2015). MAIN SOURCES AND HISTORIOGRAPHY OF SECOND HALF XX CENTURY OF FRANCE’S POLICY ON THE GERMAN QUESTION IN 1945–1949. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 38-43. Retrieved from
Author Biography

N. VELICHKO, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

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