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This article discusses the main trends in the historiography of the scientific study of the Old Testament. Research approaches correlate with the general trends of the humanities. At the heart of research paradigms change was the use of new methods of research. The basis of the scientific study of the Old Testament of the Bible in European science went to the historical-critical method, the classic works of J. Wellhausen. Scientists are beginning-middle of XX century presented new directions historical-critical school: analysis of genres, traditions analysis, an analysis of "the history of editing." A powerful incentive for the further development of Biblical Studies in the XX century was to compare the Old Testament culture with Egyptian and Mesopotamian and then Hittite and Ugaritic. In the global and national historiography interest in the scientific study of the Old Testament is not quenched. This is due both to the general trends of the humanities, and with the active involvement of new methods, sources and research approaches in biblical studies.

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VALYNETS, H. (2015). HISTORIOGRAPHICAL TRENDS IN THE STUDY OF THE OLD TESTAMENT AS A HISTORICAL SOURCE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (9), 144-148. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/5460


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