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Тhe article analyses the views of the Belarusian publicists and writers of the first third of the ХХ century оn the problem of the border location in Belarus, its impact on the historical fate of Belarus. The problem of «East – West» and its role in the formation of ideas about the specifics of the national «I» is analised in this work. Тhe author of the article proves that the concept of the border location of Belarus lays in the identification code of the Belarusian literature in the early ХХ century and is the key concept for a long time. Borderland is understood as a place where Belarusian subjectivity was formed. The process of understanding the boundary position of Belarus in publicists and literature of this time took place in the framework of anti-colonial discourse. Belarusian authors examine the different geopolitical settings in regard to Belarus, comprehend the mechanisms of colonization. Тhe concept of the tragic destiny of the Belarusian nation is formalized in the first third of the ХХ century literature, what can be explained with the border position of the region.

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How to Cite
MELNIKАVA A. (2015). THE PROBLEM OF «EAST – WEST» IN BELARUSIAN PUBLICISM AND LITERATURE OF THE FIRST THIRD OF THE ХХ CENTURY. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 8-11. Retrieved from
Author Biography

A. MELNIKАVA, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University

канд. філал. навук, дац.


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