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The article deals with the work of poorly studied representative of the New England literature - Thomas Shepard. It describes the cultural and historical context in which Shepard lived, analyzes poetics of his works ("The Parable of the Ten Virgins," 1660; "The Sincere Convert,"1640; "The Sound Believer," 1633 etc.). It is argued that Puritanism played a decisive role on the formation of his worldview. The article shows how the biblical imagery and allusions are reflected in the work of T. Shepard. The features of his theology and his literary work are described. It is concluded that T. Shepard was less prone to the documentary genre and more – to fiction, as evidenced by the presence of a sufficiently complex and extensive system of means of expression and deep symbolism of the images in his works. In his texts it is possible to find an abundance of sophisticated artistic techniques, including comparative exaggeration, metaphorization and others. Analysis of life and works of T. Shepard helps to better understand the specifics of the formation of the American literary tradition.

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How to Cite
TSERKOVSKY, A. (2015). PURITAN TRADITION IN AMERICAN LITERATURE OF THE COLONIAL PERIOD: THE WORK OF THOMAS SHEPARD. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 44-49. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/5479


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