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The article explores the creative laboratory of the symbolic image related to the consequences of war neuroses in the trilogy “Regeneration” by the contemporary English writer Pat Barker. Two categories of symbols are subject to practical consideration in the given article. We regard the first category as customary or usual symbols which require a thought effort but which are contextually intelligible. The second category is occasional symbols, whose connotative meaning is marked by the author of the trilogy. The crucial role of the symbol as a product of the author’s world-view in depicting trauma is stated here. Nature, animals, colour and body symbolism are skillfully used by P. Barker to express the main idea of the trilogy: condemnation of war as the most cruel and absurd act of modern civilization.

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How to Cite
SHVAILIKOVA, O. (2015). SYMBOLISM IN DEPICTING TRAUMA IN PAT BARKER’S TRILOGY “REGENERATION”. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 65-70. Retrieved from


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