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This article is devoted to the study of the First World War in the novel of Italian author of the beginning of XX century Italo Svevo «Zeno's Conscience». Crisis events always had great impact on the culture and the literature in particular. Its analysis is a source to understanding the mood of the society in the periods of the biggest tension. The First World War followed the long period of the crisis in all the spheres of European society, but still it was unexpected for contemporaries. The literature reflected this event immediately but in a very different manner. The representation of the First World War in the novel «Zeno's Conscience» can’t be described as traditional for the post-war literature. Exactly this was the reason, why the novel hadn’t been evaluated straight after its publication. However years after critics and readers came to the understanding of the author’s attitude to the war, its novelty and specific character. Namely this makes the study of the representation of the war in the novel the urgent moment in the study of Italo Svevo’s works.

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How to Cite
ANTONOVA, E. (2015). THE FIRST WORLD WAR AND ITS REPRESENTATION IN THE NOVEL «ZENO’S CONSCIENCE» OF ITALO SVEVO. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 82-85. Retrieved from


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