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The article is devoted to the research of particular narrative manner in the works of small and large forms of the author of mid-20th century Dino Buzzati. In the article the reception of distortion of space-time continuum in the storytelling canvas and its impact on the perception of works is analyzed. The novel «The Tartar Steppe» («Il Deserto dei tartari»), as well as short stories included in the collected stories «Sixty stories» («Sessanta racconti») are of particular interest for research in terms of reading in connection with the multidimensional interpretation of images and symbols used by the author in the pages of his works. In the novels and stories of Dino Buzzati the problem of human existence, the essence of its social being, the problem of life and death, the awareness of the human uniqueness and the incompatibility of his interests with ones of the society come to the foreground.

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TIKHONENKO, M. (2015). SOME FEATURES OF NARRATIVE AUTHOR’S MANNER IN THE PROSE OF DINO BUZZATI. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 86-90. Retrieved from


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