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The article deals with the detailed analysis of the eclogues «Heccar and Gaira», «Narva and Mored», «The Death of Nicou» by Thomas Chatterton. The historical and biographical prerequisites for the creation of the «African Eclogues» have been detected and also particular cases of orientalism in the poet`s other works have been revealed. Special attention has been paid to the author`s artistic technique and aesthetic innovation. The detailed stylistic analysis of the text has made it possible to determine the particular characteristic features of his eclogues within the context of all oriental poetry of this time. It should be noted, that by means of the original plot, the diversity of stylistic devices, the numerous elements of gothic, mysticism and mythology the author changes the whole idea of orientalism and shifts the emphasis towards the artistic value of the theme leaving behind the allegorical, philosophical and didactic aspects that were principal in the literature of the Enlightenment. Hence, «African Eclogues» become the basis for the development of romantic oriental tradition.

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How to Cite
ANISIMOVA М. (2018). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF ORIENTALISM IN THE WORKS OF THOMAS CHATTERTON. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 8-17. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/590


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