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The article deals with the reception of the French Revolution events by two nobles from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: count Jan Potocki and count Ludwik Plater. The former was the direct eye-witness and the participant of the Parisian cultural life late in 1790, while the latter was an interested offside observer. They shared their impressions with their brothers in their private correspondence. Using terms and symbolical images generated by the French Revolution Jan Potocki and Ludwik Plater interpreted and got the feel of the events in their homeland. The theatralisation of life experience was a feature of Jan Potocki and Ludwik Plater’s social behavior. This fact brings to the conclusion that by the end of the 18th century borders between privacy and publicity, personal and public opinion, social mask and subjective attitude were flexible in the public sphere of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

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How to Cite
KANDAKOU, D. (2018). FRENCH REVOLUTION THROUGH THE EYES OF SARMATIANS: JAN POTOCKI AND LUDWIK PLATER. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 18-22. Retrieved from
Author Biography

D. KANDAKOU, Polotsk State University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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