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The styles of pronunciation are presented by a big diversity of genres. Every genre possesses features which are common for all other genres of this style. These features form the style. The genre has some features which form deviations and differs him from all the others. These features modify the style. Deviations distinguishes every genre one of the others. This article examines the legal eloquence in French. We describe search results; we analyze the speech of defense and the charge during the trial in the court. It is established that at the segmental level the neatness of the pronunciation is a feature which forms the high style and the legal eloquence including. The possibility of reducing the text, of adding, if it is necessary, optional connections, modifies the style and forms the genre. At the prosodic level, the legal eloquence is characterized by the use of a very wide melodic interval, numerous contrasts very marked between tones, meaning breaks and emphatic accents. These features form the style. The flow of the legal eloquence is connected with tactics of influence on the audience. This feature differs the legal eloquence genre of all the others.

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How to Cite
LEBEDZEVA, I. (2018). STYLE-FORMING AND STYLE-MODIFYING FACTORS IN THE FRENCH LEGAL ELOQUENCE. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 70-74. Retrieved from
Author Biography

I. LEBEDZEVA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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