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In the article the literary techniques of composition of «Nibelungenlied» are studied. The article deals with the analysis of the epos plot through the prism of compositional techniques (antithesis, repetition, «logic of ending»). The author of «Nibelungenlied» creates a complex plot, in the center of which is the famous character of Siegfried. The complex plot required a complex composition based on a complex chronotope and the usage of literary techniques. Due to the techniques of antithesis, repetition and «logic of ending» the author creates an appropriate atmosphere with the help of which he prepares the reader for a tragic ending. Plot twists are associated with the motives of match-making, betrayal, revenge and powerstruggle. Compositional techniques and plot twists are used to implement the main idea of the author – to portray the famous hero in the folk heroic epic «Nibelungenlied» as a rule with a tragic ending.

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How to Cite
LUSHNEVSKAYA, E. (2018). COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUES IN THE “NIBELUNGENLIED”. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 44-48. Retrieved from


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