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Dialogues comprise most part of Jane Austen’s novels’ texts. This allowed the writer to make narration in her novels objective, when a reader gets and perceives the information about the characters from their own words. At the same time one should pay attention to the topics of the characters’ dialogues. These topics contain information not only about the questions, which the writer’s contemporaries considered appropriate for discussion, but also about the characters themselves. Depending on the range of topics, which this or that character rises and supports, it is viewed by the other characters (as well as by the author, and the readers) as a member of this or that group. They are those who obey or disobey the social rules, those, who deserves or does not deserve attention and trust, and others.

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How to Cite
KONANAVA, A. (2018). DIALOGUES IN JANE AUSTEN’S NOVELS: SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE, APPROVED AND TABOOED TOPICS. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 56-59. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/626


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