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The article considers the artistic realization of the eastern subject in H. Hesse’s novel «Demian» (1919) through the analysis of the principle of the double worldview and the world unity. It’s shown that the given principle is based on the Chinese philosophical concept of yin and yang. The hero of the novel sees, both the outside world, and internal world divided into two opposite poles: light (yang) and dark (yin). The purpose of spiritual self-perfection of Demian is reconciliation of these opposing sides. It is reveals the influence of the philosophical currents of China (Taoism, Zen Buddhism, Confucianism, the concept of yin and yang) on the novel of H. Hesse «Demian».

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How to Cite
SAPEGA, V. (2018). THE PRINCIPLE OF THE DOUBLE WORLDVIEW AND THE WORLD UNITY IN H. HESSE’S NOVEL «DEMIAN». Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (10), 100-108. Retrieved from


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