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The article substantiates the relevance of studying the creativity of S. Germain from the standpoint of the presence in it of a genre modification of a philosophical-allegorical novel. The significant influence of E. Levinas philosophy on the creative style of the French writer is noted. In the center of the works of S. Germain – ethical issues (violence, moral choice, guilt, redemption), articulated through the paradigm figure of the Other. On the example of the novel “The medusa child”, the specificity of one of the possible forms of the transcendental – dialogue – is considered. Building a system of symmetrical characters, the novelist argues for the philosophical postulate that the Other is the only conceivable guarantor of I. The characteristic narrative device S. Germain, “philosophical allegorization”, is positioned in the article. This technique allowed the author to evade explicit moral and ethical conclusions, was aimed at pushing the reader – our contemporary – to go beyond the boundaries of everyday life and give him the opportunity to discover the primacy of spiritual values.

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How to Cite
JYLEVICH, V. (2019). «THE MEDUSA CHILD» BY SYLVIE GERMAIN AS AN ALLEGORY OF THE CONTEMPORARY WORLD. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 53-56. Retrieved from https://journals.psu.by/humanities/article/view/667
Author Biography

V. JYLEVICH, Polessky State University, Pinsk

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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