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The article deals with the experimental creative work by Steve Tesich, a famous and influential American émigré writer (playwright, novelist, screenwriter, and essayist) of Serbian origin who was awarded prestigious literary prizes. Satirical mood is an important characteristic feature of his artistic inquires. The author’s world outlook and the aesthetic principles which determine his satirical perception of the world are revealed. The critical component of Tesich’s literary work is emphasized; parody and ironic rethinking of contemporary American life, with its commercialization and standardization of tastes, is presented. In his bitter manydimensional, multi-genre, intellectual, playful and critically oriented novel Karoo (1998) different functions of comic and satirical vectors are detected: caricature images, grotesque, hyperbole, parody and the absurdities of the modern world. The philosophical meaning of his work is determined, and the peculiarities of the author’s artistic representation of the reality are determined.

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How to Cite
PERVUSHYNA, L. (2019). SATIRICAL STANCE IN LITERARY WORK BY STEVE TESICH. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part A. Humanities, (2), 62-72. Retrieved from
Author Biography

L. PERVUSHYNA, Minsk State Linguistic University

канд. филол. наук, доц.


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